Regular school attendance is essential for the overall development of students and their learning.
Once enrolled in primary school, your child is expected to attend school every day of each term. It is important that children develop regular attendance habits at an early age.
Students who are regularly absent from school are at risk of missing out on learning the basic foundations in subjects, and may experience long-term learning difficulties. Where possible, parents are asked to schedule appointments for their child out of school hours. If your child is absent from school, the Department of Education requires you to supply an explanation of that absence to the class teacher. Please notify the school in writing or via the HERO App.
Parents are required to explain the absences of their children from school promptly and within seven days to the school. An explanation for absence must be provided to the school within 7 days of the first day of any period of absence.
All applications for extended absences must be approved by the principal beforehand. Early indication of absences is appreciated.
If your child has an infectious disease, it is important that they remain at home until they are well enough to attend school. They will require a medical certificate indicating that they can return to school.
Sometimes it may be necessary for parents to take children from school during the day. On such occasions, advance notice is appreciated and arrangements must be made for the collection of the student from school. Under no circumstances may a child be collected from school during school hours without notification to the office. The student must be signed out at the office by the person collecting the child prior to the student being collected from the classroom.
In the interest of overall safety, it is school policy not to allow students to leave the school grounds alone, other than at the end of the day.
Please note: Students WILL NOT be released to any adult who is not recorded as either a primary or emergency contact without consent from parents.
Please view the infographic below regarding attendance from the NSW Department of Education