Murrumbateman Public School

Reach high. Shine Bright

Telephone02 6118 5300

Our Vision

Vision Statement and Plan on a Page

We are proud of our Vision Statement which has been developed in consultation with our community and current research in teaching, learning and wellbeing practices.  

In addition, we have developed a Plan on a Page that outlines our purpose, practices, ways of working, strategic directions and focus areas.

Murrumbateman Public School Vision Statement

Our Plan on a Page

Educational Rationale

Murrumbateman Public School has been designed to support the evidence informed practices that improve student learning and wellbeing.  Our learning environments include a range of learning zones, both formal and informal.  All staff work collaboratively and coteaching is the 'norm' at Murrumbateman Public School.  Every teacher is responsible for every child and we are all accountable for every child's learning and growth.  Teachers do not work in classrooms, but work together, coteaching across the learning space.  We coplan using our 6E's planning model to reflect and evaluate every two weeks to ensure we are planning explicity and contextualised learning experiences to support the needs of our students.  

Our Ways of Working

Murrumbateman Public School is underpinned by the Educational Rationale developed when designing the new school.  This Rationale guides the teaching and learning at our school.  You can click on the link at the bottom of the page to read through the Rationale.  The Education principles that underpin this Rationale are:

Education Principle 1: First and foremost, focus on the needs of learners and learning.

Education Principle 2: Build community and identity and create a culture of welcome, inclusion and belonging that reflects and respects diversity within the school’s  community.

Education Principle 3: Be aesthetically pleasing.

Education Principle 4: Provide contemporary, sustainable learning environments that:

  • Promote learning for students and teachers through collaboration, social interaction and active investigation
  • Encourage learner self-management and self-direction
  • Support a full range of teaching strategies from direct explicit instruction to facilitation of inquiry and authentic project and problem based learning
  • Facilitate learning and connection anywhere, anytime by providing seamless access to ICT and integration of learning resources throughout the learning
  • spaces
  • Be integrated into, and maximise the use of the natural environment
  • Enable aspects of the buildings, building design and outdoor spaces to be learning tools in themselves—for example, learning from the ecologically
  • sustainable features of the design and associated energy management systems
  • Are age and stage appropriate

Education Principle 5: Embed the potential for re-configurability, both in the present for multi-purpose use and over time for changing needs.